Vendor Sign-Up

It’s absolutely free to sign up to receive electronic payments as a SparcPay vendor and it only takes a minute.

By filling out the form below our customers will have the option to pay you electronically – no more cheques! You help the environment while saving time and getting paid faster.

You only need to sign up once and all SparcPay users will be able to pay you by direct deposit. You DO NOT need to sign up for each of your customers, DO NOT submit this form if you are already registered.

If you received a custom invitation this will have the name of the client that invited you, otherwise it will be blank. This field cannot be changed.
NOTE: THIS NAME MUST BE THE SAME AS THE NAME ON THE VOID CHEQUE. If you are doing business under another name please list first the name as on the cheque, and then the dba in brackets. For example "Mary Smith (dba Mary's Landscaping)".
2 Letter Abbreviation
Please enter postal code in the format A9A 9A9
Please enter your HST Number or leave blank if not registered for HST.
This is the company, corporation or association that is your customer, not an individual.
Please select the product and business services you provide. Select all that apply. This will be shared with SparcPay clients to match with potential new business opportunities.